Pitt pens on laser paper. Want bigger? Click away.
Daily Sketch 003/365: Boom Shake the Room
Daily Sketch 002/365: Madam President
Daily Sketch 001/365 – SPOOOOOOON!
Greetings. Again.
So after a few false starts and a number of distractions pleasant and otherwise, the site’s back up. And for an actual reason, not just as a repository for my oil barrels of internet flotsam.
On my Facebook page, I announced that 2015 would be awash in art, at least one new piece posted here and on my various social media pages. In addition to FB, Google+, Twitter, and DeviantArt, I’m taking the plunge and joining the Tumblr and Instagram crowds, and all new pieces will be 12-gauged to all of those. Links to all of those pages may be found via the colorful buttons at the lower left (or in the dropdown menu for you mobile surfers).
In addition, I’ll be keeping you up to date on my various creative ventures. I’ve got a few in the fire, but it’s too early to say much as of yet.
FYI, if you haven’t picked up the Avengers NOW! Handbook, and you’re one of those Marvel aficionados that wants to know everything about everything, grab one up. It just released Dec. 17, and it’s chock full of Avengers goodness. Not only will I thank you (especially since it’s my first go at co-writing one of the Handbooks), but so will my esteemed collaborators (big collective shout out to Mike O’Sullivan, Jeff Christiansen, Paul Bourcier, Ronald Byrd, Madison Carter, Anthony Cotilletta, Patrick Duke, Kevin Garcia, Daron Jensen, Rob London, Sean McQuaid, Roger Ott, Marc Riemer, Jacob Rougemont, Stuart Vandal, and David Wiltfong). You can purchase print copies at Midtown Comics, My Comic Shop, and Things from Another World, and digital copies at Comixology or from Marvel itself.
Three more days till the new year begins. Till then, hope you had a joyous holiday and I wish you good fortunes in the coming year.